Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility

Wastewater Treatment Plant Process

The City of Edgewater operates an advanced domestic wastewater treatment plant capable of treating up to 2.75 million gallons of sewage per day. The treatment process consists of influent screening, grit removal, biological nutrient removal using the Bardenpho process, chemical feed facilities, secondary clarification, tertiary filtration, high level disinfection with dechlorination and post aeration for surface water discharge.

The City has two ways to Discharge the treated wastewater: use it to irrigate lawns or dispose it into the Indian River. The reclaimed water system is permitted to discharge up to 3.75 million gallons per day to supply the irrigation needs of lawns and landscaped areas within the City. This is made possible by the extensive “purple pipe” network throughout the City.  Water that is not used for irrigation is dechlorinated, aerated, and piped to the Indian River. A maximum of 303 million Gallons per year is permitted to be discharged into the Indian River.

Storage for the reclaimed water currently consists of two 2.25 million gallon reclaimed water holding tanks. In addition, a reuse pump station allows the City to pump up to one million gallons per day of surface water from the borrow pit that is adjacent to the plant. This water is introduced to the plant at the filters for filtration and disinfection.

The plant is operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by one or more operators certified by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The Wastewater Treatment Plant also has an onsite State Certified Laboratory. For further information on the treatment process you may contact one of the operators at 386-424-2400 ext 4040.