Grant Information and Compliance

Grants Compliance was established as an added service for all city departments under the Finance Department to provide a focal point for the City of Edgewater in coordination with all other departments to enhance its internal compliance with applicable grant policies, rules, and regulations by providing comprehensive oversight of all City grants and facilitation of improved administration and responsible stewardship of federal, state, and private grant funds.

The core objectives are to:

  • Ensure compliance with all federal, state, and private grant funds
  • Ensure the existence and implementation of proper internal controls
  • Identify grant opportunities and potential grant partnering agencies
  • Streamline the grant application and award process
  • Administration
  • Compliance

There are two (2) core areas of service:

For Compliance services, the Grant Coordinator is responsible for examining program and funding compliance with federal, state, and private grant requirements. The Grant Coordinator also conducts annual and random onsite monitoring reviews, and provides assistance to each department during formal site visits by grantor agencies.

For Administration services, the Grant Coordinator assists with the processing of grant applications, awards, and the pursuit of grant opportunities.